Appeal Process

Privacy Notice




If you are currently receiving CMH services, we encourage you to communicate any concerns, disagreements or complaints about any aspect of those services. Wanting to continue to provide the highest quality mental health care, we depend on your feedback to do so.

A few examples of the kinds of concerns you might have that we would like to hear about are:

You believe that your current or recommended program or service is not the right one for you.

You object to the amount, frequency or intensity of a service you are receiving or the amount, frequency or intensity that is recommended.

After your initial intake assessment is completed, you disagree with our decision to deny further CMH services.

You are notified by your case manager, supports coordinator, nurse, or therapist that a service needs to be reduced or terminated, and you feel the change is not justified.

You object to a proposed change in your Plan of Service

You feel that one of the outcomes or goals in your Plan of Service is not right for you.

If you are not satisfied with the results of trying to work things out directly with your CMH worker or when sharing your concerns more formally with another person is your clear preference, we encourage you to pursue your right to access our Local Dispute Resolution/Internal Service Appeal Process or, if eligible, the State Department of Community Health Administrative Hearing Process (or both). To obtain more information about these two options, contact your CMH worker or:

HOWELL, MI 48843
(517) 546-4126
FAX (517) 546-1300

Whichever process you choose, Community Mental Health Services of Livingston County will ensure that it is fair, timely, objective, accessible and understandable.





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